Zi-Tsan Chou
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
Title: An opportunistic cooperative MAC protocol for cognitive vehicular networks
Biography: Zi-Tsan Chou
In this paper, we can consider an application scenario in cognitive vehicular networks: Under the condition that different vehicles in different locations may have different set of available licensed channels, how do the vehicles (called potential relays) that correctly received data from the gateway choose the proper channel to concurrently relay the data to the vehicles (called potential destinations) that did not receive data from the gateway such that the network throughput can be maximized. We call this problem the interference-free multi-channel poly-matching (IMP) problem. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first one to seriously address this issue. The contributions of this paper are three-fold: (i) We use the integer mathematical programming to formally model the IMP problem, which is NP-complete. (2) We design a simple centralized greedy algorithm to efficiently solve this problem. (3) On the basis of our centralized greedy algorithm, we design a novel distributed medium access control protocol, named opportunistic cooperative MAC (OC-MAC for short), such that only via local information exchange between vehicles, the number of potential destinations that finally receive data from potential relays can be maximized. Simulation results show that the throughput of OC-MAC is approximately equal to that of centralized greedy algorithm and is greatly higher than that of Random MAC.