Tasos Dagiuklas
Hellenic Open University, Greece
Title: Research challenges for immersive video communication ecosystems over future internet
Biography: Tasos Dagiuklas
Recent advances in ICTs are seeing the boundaries between real and virtual worlds to fade towards a converged and unified environment, the so-called Future Media Ecosystem, which enables new forms of communication, thus fostering innovation, spearing job creation and gearing up competitiveness at regional and global levels. As a result of this on-going convergence, citizens are already witnessing profound transformations on the way they interact each other, as well as with various entities that constitute their living/working environments. Driving forces are the recent advances in multimedia technologies and social networks, supported by the widespread deployment of broadband infrastructures (e.g. LTE, 5G) and Cloud Computing facilities, along with a new breed of user-equipment that integrate communication and computation capabilities. All of them are rapidly transforming the environment(s) that citizens are surrounded by, as they introduce new kinds of interactions between humans and objects. Hence, in this evolving Future Media Ecosystem, it is normal for citizens to demand the kind of experiences that they are accustomed to in their daily/real lives, i.e., not only interact with only their own media in a “user-centric” approach, but be also able to form groups in an ad-hoc manner and share their experiences in a “community-centric” approach. Overall, a community-centric media ecosystem emerges as a cross-breeding of communications, multimedia, social network technologies, where citizens can create, share, or even trade their experiences, within different contexts and with maximum possible QoE (Quality of Experience).