Harithas Aruchchunan
Project Technical Coordinator (Oriental Consultants Global,Sri Lanka)
University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
12 years of experience in humanitarian aid works in North,East,North Central and Uva provinces,Sri Lanka.I have been involved in the implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of projects. I acquired experiences on multi-millions dollar donor funded projects,donors such as EU,ECHO, UNHCR, UNICEF, FAO, AUSAID, USAID,JICA,Habitat for Humanity,OFDA,DRC,World Renew,Catholic Relief Services,Embassy of Japan,Embassy of Australia projects related to Agriculture,Livelihood,Small Medium Enterpise,Food security,Education,Water and Sanitation,Women empowerment,Social inclusion,Child protection,Community governance etc Though all of these areas,I am most passionate when it comes to the most vulnerable and marginalized communities in Sri Lanka.
Research Interest
E-waste,medical waste,waste management,climate change, reforestration , Sustainable Development Goals