Robert S Laramee
Associate Professor
Swansea University
Robert S Laramee received a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst (ZooMass). He received a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of New Hampshire, Durham. He completed his PhD from Vienna University of Technology (Gruess Gott TUWien), Austria at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms. He was a Researcher at the VRV is Research Center and a Software Engineer at AVL in the Department of Advanced Simulation Technologies. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in Data Visualizaton at Swansea University (Prifysgol Cymru Abertawe), Wales in the Department of Computer Science (Adran Gwyddor Cyfrifiadur). His research interests are in the areas of big data visualization, visual analytics, and human-computer interaction. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in scientific conferences and journals and served as Conference Chair of EuroVis, the premiere conference on data visualization in Europe.
Research Interest
Big data visualization, visual analytics, and human-computer interaction