Abdellatief Hussein A Ali
Elshrook Academy School of Computer Science, Egypt
Abdellatief Hussein A Ali received BSc from the MTC Cairo in computer engineering 1984, Presidential Honored, Master degree from Collage of Engineering from Cairo University in expert systems, and PhD from University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) USA, Dean Honored and Postdoctoral studies from the same school. He served in Egyptian air force R&D in different positions ended by Commander of a research center. During his service, he persuaded many of classified researches in area of computer based systems that have been mapped to working systems. He has over 25 article published in reputed journals and conferences. Fields of interests includes: image processing, software engineering, artificiali, multimedia, and neural networks. He is currently working for Shrook Academy, Shrook city, Cairo, Egypt.
Abstract : Object-based VQ for image compression