Call for Abstract

3rd Global Summit and Expo on Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence, will be organized around the theme “To enhance Multi-disciplinary perspectives of Multimedia technologies”

Multimedia 2017 is comprised of 15 tracks and 149 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Multimedia 2017.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Virtual reality is the term used to define a three-dimensional, computer developed environment which can be analyzed and interacted with by a person. That person turn into a part of this virtual world and were able to manipulate objects and perform actions on the objects.

  • Track 1-1VR and AR: Transforming the Automotive Industry
  • Track 1-2Neural Networks
  • Track 1-3Cheat detection and prevention
  • Track 1-4Inverse kinematics
  • Track 1-5Augmented & Mixed Reality
  • Track 1-6Virtual Reality in the Real Estate Market
  • Track 1-7VR and Robotics
  • Track 1-8VR in the Medical Sector
  • Track 1-9VR for Education
  • Track 1-10Virtual Reality Technology and Software Systems
  • Track 1-11Business Benefits of VR in Industrial Manufacturing
  • Track 1-12Advances Relevant to Virtual Reality
  • Track 1-13Philosophical and Ethical Issues
  • Track 1-14Assessment of Virtual Reality Systems
  • Track 1-15Virtual Reality Applications
  • Track 1-16Human Factors
  • Track 1-17Design of VR systems and VEs

The procedure of making motion pictures with drawings, PC design or photos of static items, including all strategies other than the nonstop recording of no frills pictures. It is the making of the "hallucination of development" utilizing a progression of still pictures. This track covers the accompanying subtopics: Traditional activity, Stop movement liveliness, Character activity, Special impacts liveliness, Physics-based Animation and Behavioral Animation.

  • Track 2-1Computer Animation
  • Track 2-22D animation
  • Track 2-3Keyframe animation
  • Track 2-4Biomechanics models
  • Track 2-5Motion capture and motion retargeting
  • Track 2-6Physical-based animation
  • Track 2-7Facial and body animation
  • Track 2-8Path planning
  • Track 2-9Cloth and hair animation
  • Track 2-10LOD and impostors
  • Track 2-11Real-time rendering

Game design is the product improvement handled by which a computer game is created. Game game designers are often the originator of the game's concept. It requires a strong knowledge in programming as well. This track welcomes all the designers, game developers, programmers to discuss about latest challenges and research

  • Track 3-1Games programming and technology
  • Track 3-2Entrepreneurship and business models
  • Track 3-3Serious games
  • Track 3-4Digital storytelling
  • Track 3-5Game design and game genres
  • Track 3-63D Real-time animation and computer graphics for video games
  • Track 3-7Cinematography in games

Computer graphics is branch of Computer Science and Technology…

It's a graphical example of a picture which made by utilizing particular programming. CG is field where physical body, information and creative ability will create. Computer Graphics representation comprehends the geometry, physical nature, showing picture, liveliness, movement of protest and give client plan interface stage. It is utilized as a part of film or motion pictures, computer games, movement, publicizing and visual communication.

  • Track 4-1Motion Capture & Synthesis
  • Track 4-2Volumetric Modeling & Rendering
  • Track 4-3Visual Simulation
  • Track 4-4texture synthesis
  • Track 4-5Procedural Modeling & Texturing
  • Track 4-6Physically-Based Modeling
  • Track 4-7Photorealistic Rendering
  • Track 4-8Parametric Curves & Surfaces
  • Track 4-9Numerical Methods
  • Track 4-10Artistic Rendering
  • Track 4-11interactive techniques
  • Track 4-12Meshed Geometry Processing
  • Track 4-13Implicit Curves & Surfaces
  • Track 4-14Image Warping & Morphing
  • Track 4-15Image-Based Rendering
  • Track 4-16Graphical Data Compression
  • Track 4-17Font Rendering & Typography

Image processing is a method to convert an image into digital form and perform certain methods, in order to get an fully processed image or to extract useful information from it. Image processing is a cyclic process where input is taken as a raw images, video and performs algorithms required which converts in to a Image or character

  • Track 5-1Motion detection and estimation
  • Track 5-2Color grading
  • Track 5-3Interpolation and super-resolution
  • Track 5-4Feature extraction and analysis
  • Track 5-5Stereoscopic and 3D processing
  • Track 5-6Morphological processing
  • Track 5-7Image segmentation
  • Track 5-8Image restoration and enhancement
  • Track 5-9Image filetering
  • Track 5-10Distributed source coding, Source/Channel coding
  • Track 5-11Still-image coding, Stereoscopic and 3-D coding
  • Track 5-12Color and multispectral processing
  • Track 5-13Medical Imaging
  • Track 5-14Image-quality assessment
  • Track 5-15Color reproduction, image representation and rendering
  • Track 5-16Image scanning, display, and printing
  • Track 5-17Synthetic-natural hybrid image systems
  • Track 5-18Remote sensing and Optimal imaging
  • Track 5-19Biomedical imaging, Geophysical and seismic imaging
  • Track 5-20Image formation

Computer vision is a discipline that concentrates how to reproduce, translate and comprehend a 3 dimensional information from its 2D pictures as far as the properties of the structures introduce in the scene. A definitive objective of Computer vision is to display, duplicate, and all the more critically surpass human vision utilizing computer programming and equipment at various levels. 

Pattern Recognition is wide usedly in different applications with advancement of Multimedia technolgies. This track deals with the novel research in the field of Computer vision and Pattern recognition.

  • Track 6-1Vision for Robotics
  • Track 6-2Video: events, activities and surveillance
  • Track 6-3Segmentation, grouping and shape representation
  • Track 6-4Recognition: detection, categorization, indexing, matching
  • Track 6-5Physics-based vision and shape-from-X
  • Track 6-6Optimization methods
  • Track 6-7Real-time Tracking
  • Track 6-8Vision for Web
  • Track 6-9Vision for Graphics
  • Track 6-10Object Recognition
  • Track 6-11Computational Photography
  • Track 6-12Action Recognition
  • Track 6-13Human Motion Analysis/Capture
  • Track 6-14Gesture/Hand Recognition
  • Track 6-15Face Detection and Recognition
  • Track 6-16Motion/Stereo Processing and Augmented Reality
  • Track 6-17Scene Understanding

Visualization is any strategy for making pictures, outlines, or movements to convey a message. Perception today has continually extending applications in science, instruction, building (e.g., item representation), intuitive sight and sound, drug. Logical perception is the utilization of intelligent, tactile representations, normally visual, of dynamic information to strengthen cognizance, theory building, and thinking.

HCI has extended quickly and relentlessly for three decades, pulling in experts from numerous different teaches and fusing various ideas and methodologies. To an impressive degree, HCI now totals a gathering of semi-self-sufficient fields of research and practice in human-focused informatics.

  • Track 7-1Guided imagery
  • Track 7-2Visual communication
  • Track 7-3Visual analytics
  • Track 7-4Scientific visualization
  • Track 7-5Scientific visualization
  • Track 7-6Sonification and haptics
  • Track 7-7Human computer interface
  • Track 7-8Color models and imaging
  • Track 7-9Collaborative and web based visualization
  • Track 7-10Data Visualization
  • Track 7-11Creative Visualization
  • Track 7-12Software visualization
  • Track 7-13Interactive visualization
  • Track 7-14Medical visualization
  • Track 7-15Product visualization
  • Track 7-16Knowledge visualization
  • Track 7-17Educational visualization

Artificial Intelligence is implemented by machines. It deals with the simulation of behavior in computers & responsible to initiate the intelligent behavior in machines. This track invites papers on applications, emphasize its novel technology, AI techniques being used

  • Track 8-1Constraint processing
  • Track 8-2Planning and theories of action
  • Track 8-3Natural language processing
  • Track 8-4Multiagent systems
  • Track 8-5Machine learning
  • Track 8-6Knowledge representation
  • Track 8-7Intelligent robotics
  • Track 8-8Intelligent interfaces
  • Track 8-9High-level computer vision
  • Track 8-10Heuristic search
  • Track 8-11Fuzzy Logic
  • Track 8-12Commonsense reasoning
  • Track 8-13Cognitive aspects of AI
  • Track 8-14Case-based reasoning
  • Track 8-15Automated reasoning and inference
  • Track 8-16Expert Systems
  • Track 8-17Swarm Intelligence
  • Track 8-18Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
  • Track 8-19Genetic Algorithms

3D printing is any of different procedures used to integrate a three-dimensional object. In 3D printing, added procedures are utilized, in which progressive layers of material are set down under PC control These items can be of any shape or geometry, and are delivered from a 3D demonstrate or other electronic information source. The innovation is utilized as a part of the fields of gems, footwear, mechanical plan, design, building and development (AEC), car, aviation, dental and therapeutic ventures, instruction, geographic data frameworks, structural designing, and numerous others.

In recent years, there has been an explosive growth of new applications on the Internet like streaming video, IP telephony, teleconferencing, interactive games, virtual world, distance learning, and so on. Those multimedia networking applications are referred as continuous-media applications and require services different from those for traditional elastic applications like e-mail, Web, remote login, social multimedia networking and seamless multimedia mobility.

  • Track 10-1Wireless Surveillance and Sensor Networks for the Smart Grid
  • Track 10-2Resource Allocation and Management
  • Track 10-3Security and Privacy
  • Track 10-4Routing Algorithms, Localization Algorithms and Clustering Protocols
  • Track 10-5Multimedia in-network processing

Multimedia is a special domain. In the past 10 years, we have witnessed revolutionary changes in both hardware and software. Today, computers, digital cameras, and even cell phones equipped with optical scanners can "see" and "hear" various types of objects, images and sound, and "display", "say" and "convey" information to people on site and at remote locations via different multimedia devices.

  • Track 11-1Education and training
  • Track 11-2Multimedia analysis and Internet
  • Track 11-3Visual Communication

This session is exclusively dedicated to industrial reaserchers to share the latest innovation that undergoes in Multimedia & Artificial Industires

  • Track 12-1Multimedia processors for personal computer’s
  • Track 12-2Motion design & Software development
  • Track 12-3Multimedia & AI technologies for games, movies, music and product / licensing

Mobile Multimedia has integrated in our lives. A wide variety of multimedia services like voice, email, instant messaging, social networking, mobile payment, transactions, Wireless and Mobile Communications, or video and audio streaming has already carved the expectations towards current mobile devices, infrastructure, and services. More and more multimedia content is spreading over the networks from mobile devices. Mobile multimedia is concerned with well-formed multimedia techniques to provide effort free multimedia experiences to users

  • Track 13-1Media streaming
  • Track 13-2Peer-to-peer mobile media
  • Track 13-3Real-time interactive mobile-to-mobile conferencing
  • Track 13-4Vehicle-based multimedia systems
  • Track 13-5Low-power and power-aware media coding and multimedia applications

Audio processing sometimes referred to as Audio signal processing. It is more related to image, speech, video and audio processing. Audio processing also includes speech and music processing. Main applications of digital audio processing is high quality audio coding and manipulation of music signals

Recent years have endorsed the revolutionary development brought by multimedia & AI technologies. These changes can advance many practices and industries, and health is no exception. The miraculous changes in healthcare also brought many research opportunities in a immense spectrum of application domains, such as eHealth, health data quality assessment, personalized health with sensor data, cross-source learning for better lifestyles and health data visualization.

  • Track 15-1Multimedia indexing and search for healthcare
  • Track 15-2isual analytics of skin diseases and interactive computation
  • Track 15-3Multimedia sensing data in healthcare
  • Track 15-4Mobile and augmented reality technology in healthcare