Biography: Wasan Mehdi
With the fast advance development of the internet and multimedia techniques, the protection of multimedia content has become increasingly important. One of the many advantages multimedia techniques has are enabling multimedia data's, generation, editing, sharing storage, etc. despite the obvious progress of multimedia communications, these developments carry with them a number of risks such as copyright violation, prohibited usage and distribution of digital media, secret communications, and network security. Therefore, security, scalability and manageability amongst others become issues of serious concern, as current solutions do not satisfy anymore the growing demands of multimedia communications. The scope and target of this paper will focus on a giving thorough review to multimedia information and system security, and to provide the latest advance research covering multimedia system security. It will review the latest security solutions such as Digital confidentiality protection, Digital ownership Rights Management (DRM), forgery detection, protection, traitor tracing, secure multimedia distribution based on watermarking, copy detection, privacy preserving data mining, secure user interface, intrusion detection and prevention. Moreover, the paper describes steganography, security in network or service convergence, security of data sharing in social medias and privacy-preserving data security.