Wasan Mehdi
University of Bedfordshire, UK
Wasan Mehdi is awarded Doctorate in Computer animation from the department of IRAC, University of Bedfordshire in Feb 2014. Her research interests include computer animation, Multimedia information security and could computing. Wasan is an author to three papers published in various conferences, and several oral presentations at national and local conferences. Prior to awarding the PhD program, Wasan works as a classroom supervisor and a senior IT technician at JLA academy. She has been consulted on a variety of projects, involving qualitative and quantitative analysis of the benefit of using animation as a useful tool in education and to allow staff and students integrating animation in their learning in addition to introduce them to the latest advanced technologies especially in the field of animations and how to integrate digital media and cloud computing into teaching and learning. From this work she developed an interest in how our academy innovate and effectively achieve sustainable changes within a challenging and turbulent environment taking advantages of the new investment to serve cloud environment learning. She is currently working on writing different articles/papers on cloud computing in Education in order to explore the benefit, study the effective effect, and its environmental context affect implementation of inter professional models of practice.
Abstract : Multimedia information system security