Richard Jiang
Faculty of Engineering and Environment
Northumbria University
I am currently a Senior Lecturer in Computer and Information Science at the Univ. of Northumbria, Newcastle. I received a BSc in Electronics from Huazhong Univ. of Science & Tech. in China and a PhD in Computer Science from Queen’s Univ. Belfast, where its computer science was brought up by Turing laureate Sir Tony Hoare since 1960s. After my PhD study, I joined Brunel Univ. in July 2007 as a RA on an EU-FP6 project (RUSHES) on video indexing. Following this I worked as a RA at Loughborough Univ. (TSB project CrimeVis, 03/2009~09/2010), then at Swansea Univ. (EPSRC project on Sports Visualization, 10/2010~09/2011), Univ. of Bath (TSB project on Video Codec, 10/2011~09/2012) and Univ. of Sheffield (EPSRC project BIMPA, 10/2012~04/2013). I joined Univ. of Northumbria as a Lecturer in May 2013.Currently in Northumbria Univ., I am leading a research team of 5 PhDs ( as 1st Supervisor) and 1 Postdoc on Biometrics, Smart Cities, Medical Diagnosis, and Financial Computing in Dept. Computer and Information Science. I authored or co-authored 21 refereed journal papers and 24 conference papers/books/book chapters. I am a Fellow of Higher Education Academy. I served as the publication co-chair of EUVIP 2016 and the leading editor of a Springer book on biometric big data in 2016.
Research Interest
Real-time image processing,